Cara mudah membuat Bakpau Super Lembut


Do u like to eat? And how about cooking, do u? Wkwkwk many people like to eat but, a part of them does not like to cook. Why? Beacuse cooking is not an easy activity, we must good in calculation, can imagine the new things for our new recipe, creativity r required and many more (becanda mak, ga segitunya kok hehhe). But d'importent one is Brave! Ready to face your failed recipe hihihi.

Well, in this section I'LL share a part of my journey while I'M making a BAKPAU. :)
jadi ceritanya aku mau bagi pengalaman sekaligus resep buat bakpau nih guys :).
pada tahu BAKPAU kan guys? Ok, cukup ye chit chat nya .. Here we go

materials needed

  • 250 gr tepung terigu (wheat flour)
  • 4 sdm gula pasir (sugar)
  • 1bungkus ragi instant (instant yeast)
  • 175 ml air (water)
  • Pewarna makanan sesuai keinginan food coloring)
  • Pasta kacang hijau, n coklat batangan untuk isian. (Green bean paste and chocolate bar)

  • Directions:
    1. Campur gula, air hangat dan ragi, stir it well.
    2. Bagi campuran gula dan ragi sesuai dg jumlah warna yang diinginkan. Lalu tambahkan pewarna pada tiap tiap campuran yg telah dibagi rata. (Percobaan kali ini saya menggunakan 4 warna, coklat hijau kuning, dan putih).
    3. Tambahkan terigu perlahan lahan, sampai adonan terasa kalis.
    4. Ambil separuh adonan, isi dengan pasta atau coklat dan bentuk sesuai selera.
    5. Taruh adonan yang sudah dibentuk diatas potongan kertas nasi. Lalu diamkan adonan 30-45 menit.
    6. Kukus adonan 10 menit (sampai matang).
    7. Bakpau siap disajikan.

    1. Mix sugar, warm water and yeast, stir it well.

     2. Devide formula no.1 (a mixture of sugar and yeast) into 4 parts. Then add the food coloring on each formula. (Trial this time I used 4 colors, brown, green, yellow, and white).
    3. Add the flour slowly, knead until dough surface is smooth and

    4. Devide into some parts. Shape each part into a ball with smooth surface
    up. Then, Fill it with pasta or chocolate and re-shape the dough just like what u want.

    5. Put the dough that has been formed on a wax paper square. Let stand covered
    until double, about 30 minutes.
    6. Steam the dough 10 minutes (until cooked).

     7. Steamed Bun ready to be served :)

    Selamat mencoba :). G luck!

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